
Dominican ecologists vow to protect the mountains

SANTO DOMINGO. – Despite that Dominican Republic’s major rivers are born in the Cordillera Central (Central Mountain Range), and the Caribbean’s most extensive hydrographic system is in such a state of sustained deterioration, the public policies envision and citizens perceive it as something alien and distant.

For that reason, the environmental group Pro Cordillera Voluntary Society plans to collaborate with a campaign to rescue and to protect the Central Mountain Range.

In a statement, Pro Cordillera announced the start of the media campaign to make the citizens aware and to stir their feelings of identity and ownership of the mountains where the Yaque North and South, Yuna, Artibonito, Nizao, San Juan, Haina, Ocoa, Camú, among others rivers are born.

The Cordillera is the source of so many rivers, the Taino Indians dubbed it "Mother of the Waters."

Source: Dominican Today

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