
Comment Period on Proposed NAGPRA Rule

Deadline for public comments on a proposed rule on “Culturally Unidentifiable” Native American human remains is January 14, 2008. The final rule will specify a process for the disposition of human remains listed on museum and federal agency inventories as Native American, but where the decision makers lack a reasonable basis to determine the cultural affiliation of the remains to a present day tribe. The remains of more than 100,000 Native American individuals will be affected by the rule. The text of the proposed rule and instructions on how to comment are on the National Park Service’s National Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act program website at http://www.nps.gov/history/NAGPRA/

UCTP Taino News Editor’s Note: Bo’matum to Joanna Soto Aviles for forwarding this message concerning NAGPRA

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