
Sharing thoughts on 9-11...

From Inarunikia inaru2003@yahoo.com:

Today is the anniversary of 9-11... Ground Zero,the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania are now called Sacred Ground.... With all the respect that should be afforded to the friends and families of the victims of 9-11 I hope America also remembers Wounded Knew is Scared Ground, Ponce is Sacred Ground...

Fact is the list for Natives is endless. So when the words of those in government state 'We must prevent another 9-11" remember the dust beneath America's soil is that of the bones of our ancestors.... Millions of them victims of terror as well.... Are Native People SAFE? What color will alert them of any impending danger? The Red, the White or the Blue?

Wounded Knee is Sacred Ground.....


*Related Story "Terrorist Attack - Tragedy in the U.S."

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