
Mitochondrial DNA and the Carib People of Belize

UCTP Taino News Editor's Note: This article summarizes an analysis of the Mitochondrial DNA of 28 Carib People of Belize . The study focuses mainly on the high instance of West African origins found but gives an historical overview as well. The article supports the historic accounts of the “Amerindian” and African add-mixture as well as pointing to a close relationship between the “Caribs” and Yurubas.

Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphisms in Carib People of Belize , by M. V. Monsalve; E. HagelbergProceedings: Biological Sciences © 1997 The Royal Society

*Thank you to community member John Ayes for finding this article.


President of Bolivia Meets with Indigenous Leaders in New York

Indigenous Leaders at the UN. UCTP News Photo:
(From left to right) Tonya Frichner; President Evo Morales;
Roberto Mucaro Borrero; Oren Lyons; and Sid Hill

by Roger Atihuibancex Hernandez,
UCTP Taino News Correspondent

United Nations, NY (UCTP Taino News) - Evo Morales Aima, an Aymara indigenous leader who was recently elected to Bolivia’s highest office as President met with a small group of indigenous leaders at the United Nations on Monday, September 18, 2006. The President, along with his country's Foreign Minister, David Choquehuanca, (Aymara), are in New York City for the first time attending the 61st Session of the General Assembly at the United Nations.

The meeting was hosted by the Secretariat of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the American Indian Law Alliance (AILA), an Indigenous Peoples’ non-governmental organization working in New York City.

A member of the President’s delegation, Tom Kruse stated that the meeting was set up at the request of President Morales and “is meant to be a substantive exchange between Indigenous leaders from the North and the South to discuss the issues shared by Native peoples of the Western Hemisphere.”

Representatives of the Haudenosaunee, Lakota, Cree, and Taino Nations participated in the historic meeting, which was described by Kent Lebstock of AILA as “another step in the undeniable presence of Indigenous Peoples in international advocacy, especially human rights."

A traditional welcome for President Morales was extended by Sid Hill, Tadodaho of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations, Iroquois Confederacy) from Onondaga in upstate New York. Other indigenous participants included Chief Oren Lyons, also from Onondaga; Chief Alex White Plume, Tribal Chairman of the Oglala Sioux Nation; Chief J. Wilton Littlechild, Ermineskin Cree Nation and member of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues; Tonya Gonnella Frichner (Onondaga), AILA Director; and Roberto Mukaro Borrero (Taino), Chairman of the Regional Coordinating Office of the United Confederation of Taino People. Several human rights advocates were also present including Esmeralda Brown of the United Methodist Church.

Substantive discussion among the participants took place and included issues such as lands, resources, the revitalization of traditional Indigenous processes in government, and conservation and environmental management. Advocacy toward the revocation of the 1493 Papal Bull and the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the World’s Indigenous Peoples were other specific items discussed. The meeting coincided with the beginning of the General Assembly session where the issue of the Declaration is expected to be addressed.

During the meeting President Morales recounted parts of his personal and political history as well as key events that galvanized the rise of his political party to power in Bolivia. He also expressed his view that his work and that of his party are a continuation of the “500 Years of Resistance” campaign. The President stressed however, that the goal now is to move “beyond resistance to power” so that the “people” can live well.

“President Morales is an inspiration for all our Peoples, especially our youth in that he exemplifies what can be accomplished when we accept and affirm the profound teachings of our ancestors” stated Boriken Taino leader Roberto Mukaro Borrero.

Borrero continued by noting “don’t lie, don’t steal and don’t be lazy are basic laws that all Indigenous Peoples can relate to and it is a great honor to be present at time when these ancient ideals are once again being put into practice.”

President Morales considered meeting a success and felt that such meetings are his obligation as a “defender of Mother Earth.”

In a clear demonstration of his commitment President Morales not only invited the group to visit him in Bolivia but he also requested they draft comments about the Declaration, which he could consider incorporating in his speech to the UN General Assembly.


Bolivian Indigenous President to Meet with North American Native American Leaders

The President of Bolivia, Evo Morales Ama, an Aymara Indian elected to his country's highest office in December 2005, will meet with American Indian Leaders on Monday, September 28, 2006. The President, along with his country's Foreign Minister, David Choquehuanca, (also Aymara), is in New York City for the opening of this year's General Assembly at the United Nations.

The meeting is being hosted by the Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues of the United Nations and the American Indian Law Alliance, an Indigenous peoples' non-governmental organization working with offices in New York City. Mr. Thomas Kruse, one of the President Morales's assistants stated that the meeting was set up at the request of Mr. Morales and is meant to be a substantive exchange between Indigenous leaders from the North and the South to discuss the issues shared by Native peoples of the Western Hemisphere. Kent Lebsock, the Executive Director of the American Indian Law Alliance, added the election of President Morales is an historic event for all Indian peoples. For him to honor us by meeting with our traditional Native American leaders is another step in the undeniable presence of Indigenous peoples in international advocacy, especially human

President Morales' office had specifically requested a small meeting in order to ensure that substantive, frank discussions could occur.

Participants look forward to this being the first of more meetings designed to improve the dialogue between the Bolivian government and American Indian nations and First Nations of Canada. Issues to be discussed include lands, resources and the revitalization of traditional Indigenous processes in government, conservation and environmental management.

The meeting comes at the beginning of the General Assembly session.

It is expected that the United Nations will take up the issue of the Declaration on the Rights of the World's Indigenous Peoples. For over 20 years, Indigenous peoples from around the world have worked with human rights experts to develop this international human rights instrument. Finally, having made it's way to the General Assembly, it is being supported by many United Nations' member states and Indigenous nations, organizations and communities around the world. However it is also facing strong opposition from the United States, Canada, and Australia. The meeting between Morales and North American Indian leaders will also focus on ensuring the passage of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Haudenosaunee, Lakota and Cree nations will participate along with urban Native Americans from New York City. The opening ceremony will be by Sid Hill, Tadodaho of the Haudenosaunee (Six Nations, Iroquois Confederacy) from Onondaga in upstate New York. Oren Lyons, also from Onondaga; Alex White Plume, tribal chairman and a traditional leader of the Oglala Sioux Nation; along with Willie Littlechild and Rick Lightning (Ermineskin Cree Nation), John Bull (Louis Bull Cree Nation), and Raymond Cutknife (Samson Cree Nation), will also participate.

Local leadership includes Tonya Gonnella Frichner a citizen of the Onondaga Nation and the meeting's moderator, Roberto Borrero, Taino, and Esmeralda Brown, a long time United Nations advocate for Indigenous rights.


Exotic Saona Island -The Caribbean at its best*

LA ROMANA.- What once was a sleepy little Dominican fishing village, is now surrounded by beach resorts fed by the shiny new La Romana airport.

Bayahibe has seen some changes in the past couple of years. The peeling, pastel-painted wooden fishing boats tied to the trunks of palm trees are now outnumbered by dozens of bright-white fiberglass boats made to carry tourists.

From the parking lot, speed boats and catamarans fill up with passengers before shuttling them to the Saona island on 45-minute crossings.

Saona Island is a picture book tropical island with crystal clear waters, unspoiled beaches, coco palms, mangroves and coral reefs, set in a protected national park.

Isla Saona is 25 km long, 5 km wide, the largest of the islands adjacent to Hispaniola, it has two tiny settlements – Mano Juan and Punta Gorda – both on the coast an boasting a total population of not much more than 300.

Christopher Columbus discovered Saona in his second voyage.

The island’s original Taino name was Adamanay. But this was changed to Saona when the Europeans arrived in the late 15th century. Formed on a coral reef with caverns and three inland lagoons (Flamencos, Secucho and Canto de la Playa), the island – declared a Heritage of Mankind Site by UNESCO – is part of the National Park of the East and serves as a sanctuary for 112 bird species, manatees, dolphins and sea turtles.

Isla Saona is internationally known for its miles of solitary powder white sand beaches, translucent waters, and coral formations ideal for scuba diving, magnificent mangrove swamps and palm and coconut tree forests. Its "natural swimming pools" - shallow lagoons of crystal-clear waters close to the coast, home to a profusion of multicolored marine life (including sea stars) - are justifiably famous.

*Source: Dominican Today

Related Story: www.uctp.blogspot.com 6/13/2005


Mujer, indígenas, narcotráfico y ambiente: temas del NOAL

By Prensa Latina

HABANA (PL) - Los reclamos de la mujer y los indígenas, la urgencia de intensificar el combate internacional al narcotráfico y la degradación ambiental, forman parte hoy también de los debates de la XIV Cumbre de los Países No Alineados. Esas temáticas están incluidas en el proyecto que comenzaron a analizar los cancilleres de los 116 países que conforman el grupo de concertación, a partir de la agenda perfilada en el segmento de altos funcionarios realizada el lunes y el martes.

Sobre los problemas de género que sufre hoy la humanidad, los expertos coincidieron en la necesidad de comprometer aún más al Movimiento con la aplicación de la Declaración y la Plataforma de Acción aprobada en la cuarta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Mujer (Beijing, 1995).

Algunos asistentes reclamaron la adopción de nuevas medidas e iniciativas para aplicar esos textos, aprobados durante el vigésimo tercer período extraordinario de sesiones de la Asamblea General de la ONU, celebrado en junio de 2000, con vista a eliminar todas las formas de discriminación y violencia contra ellas.Constituye una preocupación de los NOAL la situación de la mujer, especialmente en situaciones de conflicto armado y ocupación extranjera, revelaron fuentes consultadas por Prensa Latina que prefirieron el anonimato.

Sobre el tema indígena, reiteraron su apoyo a la necesidad de promover los derechos económicos, políticos y culturales de las poblaciones autóctonas, en particular los esfuerzos para mejorar sus condiciones de vida.La voz de los aborígenes se alzará aún más en la XIV Cumbre de los NOAL con la presencia del presidente boliviano, Evo Morales, y la Premio Nobel de la Paz Rigoberta Menchú en la capital cubana.

El primer indígena Jefe de Estado adelantó que expondrá la experiencia de lucha de los movimientos sociales de su país como parte de las reflexiones sobre soberanía, dignidad y autodeterminación."Como nación en proceso de cambio nos toca contribuir y aportar nuestras experiencias a los compañeros del Movimiento", dijo por su parte el embajador del país andino en la isla, Saúl Chávez.

El empeoramiento del problema del tráfico ilícito de drogas en el mundo también preocupa a los NOAL, sobre todo la naturaleza transnacional que deviene nueva amenaza para toda la humanidad.

Las organizaciones vinculadas a ese delito actúan de manera colectiva en el territorio de varios países y están multiplicando las fuerzas de tráfico y métodos de distribución, anotaron los expertos que analizaron el tema en el contexto de la Cumbre.

Por consiguiente, ningún país o gobierno podrá combatir con éxito esa amenaza por sí solo. El problema se resolverá con la cooperación y el cumplimiento de la responsabilidad compartida, sentenciaron.

El punto relacionado con la catástrofe ecológica que se registra en el planeta se introdujo a partir de la preocupación por el continuo deterioro y degradación del ecosistema del Mar Muerto (un lago salado situado entre Israel, Cisjordania y Jordania).

También representantes de las islas del Mar Caribe expresaron preocupación por el desembarque de desechos peligrosos y reclamaron considerar esta región como una zona especial en el marco del desarrollo sostenible.


Project in Dominican Republic industrializes nopal herbal properties

Santo Domingo - A project has been launched to industrialize nopal, which grows in the Dominican Republic as a wild shrub.

The Institute of Biotechnological and Industrial Innovation (IIBI) and the United Nations Special Nourishment Program sponsor the endeavor in a joint effort.

Nopal contains a high percentage of carbohydrate fibers known as mucilage and pectin. Mucilage is a substance that does not dissolve, but it does absorb water, so it swells up to form a bulky paste when exposed to fluids. On the other hand, pectin does dissolve in water to become a thick, syrupy liquid. The resulting gooey material is thought to coat and protect the gastrointestinal tract, thereby helping to relieve conditions such as sore throat and irritable bowel syndrome. This coating effect also appears to decrease the absorption of fats and sugars from food. Consequently, both blood cholesterol and blood sugar levels may be lowered. Results from animal studies have shown that nopal may have additional effects that decrease blood sugar and blood cholesterol, but these effects are not clearly understood. In addition, pectin attaches to substances in the stomach or intestines, Because of this effect, nopal may be used to treat diarrhea associated with bacterial infection, because it may bind to the bacteria and cause them to be eliminated from the body. This possible use for nopal also needs more study to determine its effectiveness.

Nopal flowers and leaves (pads) may be used topically to treat skin conditions such as burns, cuts, insect bites, rashes, scrapes, and sunburn. A solution made from nopal flowers has an astringent action, which means that it shrinks and tightens the top layers of skin, thereby reducing secretions, relieving irritation, and improving tissue firmness. The leaves may be split open and the cut side applied directly to irritated skin. Not only does the juice have an astringent action, similar to the leaf solution, it is sticky, so it seals and protects the broken skin.

The project in the Dominican Republic as part of the United Nations Objectives of the Millennium, which include elaborating proposals for industrialization.

Source: http://www.dominicantoday.com/app/article.aspx?id=17487


Caribbean Indigenous Peoples Support UN Declaration

UCTP Public Notice: The UCTP has been informed by Chief Ricardo B. Hernandez of the Santa Rosa Carib Community that the Community has also decided to support the Declaration on the on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, which is currently being promoted through the United Nations System.

Caribbean Indigenous Peoples Representatives verified in their support of the United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples now include United Confederation of Taino People (Caribbean & US), Consejo General de Tainos Boricanos (Puerto Rico), Caney Quinto Mundo (Puerto Rico), Joboshirima Arawak Community (Venezuela), Fundacion Luz Cosmica Taina (Dom. Republic), Kalinago Carib Nation (Dominica), Guyanese Organization of Indigenous Peoples (Guyana), Eagle Clan Arawaks (Barbados & Guyana), Amerindian Peoples Association (Guyana), Amerindian Action Movement of Guyana (Guyana), Garifuna American Heritage Foundation United (US & Caribbean), and the Santa Rosa Carib Community (Trinidad).

The UCTP continues to urge our community, either individually or via their organizations, to support this petition initiative of the Grand Council of the Crees and Amnesty International Canada. If your Caribbean Indigenous organization would like to be included in this list of supporters, please inform the UCTP by email at uctp_ny@yahoo.com

*Please review and sign the petition at:

Carifesta IX to feature Caribbean indigenous people...

by GINA News

GEORGETOWN (GINA) - The indigenous people of Guyana will join their counterparts from the Caribbean and the Americas to honour their history, achievements and contribution to the development of the region.

Their gathering will be part of several activities to be held in Trinidad and Tobago at the hosting of Carifesta IX, a ten-day event held under the theme ‘Celebrating our People: Contesting the World Stage’.

Over 20 countries from the Caribbean will be converging on the twin island republic to showcase the splendours of their cultures and traditions. The festival will promote events that serve both the commercial and artistic interests of artists and entrepreneurs. These will include cultural industries, trade and book fairs, film, community and visual arts exhibitions, symposia, super concerts, performing and culinary arts, youth and children’s events.

Performers from the National School of Dance, the Amerindian Dance Troupe and the Dharmic Nritya Sangh of Guyana will be represented at the grand celebration. An Amerindian Dance Troupe from Region Seven will be performing a series of traditional dances at the festival. This group will also be presenting some of their best craft pieces during other events.

As part of the celebrations, the Santa Rosa Carib Community in Trinidad will be hosting a conference for indigenous people and presentations will be made by representatives from different indigenous communities within the Caribbean including newly appointed Minister within the Ministry of Education Dr. Desrey Fox, herself an Amerindian.

It is anticipated that all indigenous groups living in the Caribbean will participate in the conference. Dr. Fox, will also be present at the ceremonial handing over of the Caribbean Organisation of Indigenous People (COIP) in Arima a small Carib community in Trinidad known for its perpetuation of the Carib tradition.

Chief Carib and Deputy Mayor in Arima, Richardo Bharrat will assume chairmanship of COIP which is at present located in Guyana. COIP originated in 1987 following a conference of Indigenous people in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Member countries of COIP are Dominica, Belize, Guyana, Suriname, St. Vincent and Trinidad and Tobago.

The ceremony will be the first major celebration of Indigenous People in Carifesta IX, and will foster the continued cohesiveness of member countries. Arima, the Larry Gomes Enclosure and the Princess Royal Park, are the selected venues/communities where indigenous groups from around the Caribbean will be displaying their cultural varieties.

The Indigenous group of Guyana will lend some of their talents to the many other events that Guyana will be participating in during Carifesta IX. These include the culinary arts, in which a variety of Guyanese cuisines will be on display and the Guyana Nite Festival, where performances will be done by the Amerindian dance troupe, the National School of Dance and the Dharmic Nritya Sangh.

Organisers of the Guyana Nite Festival will stage a preview of the show at the National Cultural Centre on Sunday September 17. Carifesta IX was launched on Friday September 1, in 13 administrative districts of Trinidad and two in Tobago. Carifesta is coordinated by the Interim Festival Directorate (IFD) the regional advisory body to CARICOM.


A Special Message from Leonard Peltier on his 62nd birthday!

A Special Message from Leonard Peltier:

Greetings Sisters, Brothers, Friends and Supporters! Well here it is another year. Another birthday. This one makes me 62 yearsold. Also this makes it my thirty plus years in prison. I believe it was right after I was illegally convicted in Fargo, North Dakota when I wrote a statement telling everyone that my freedom would only come after the masses had demanded it. But first we would have to unite and organize, to reach them. So far we have been unable to do so.

Yes we have reached millions who have signed my petitions we have circulated throughout the world asking for my release. True most of those good peoples are from Europe, but we have alsomade a lot of gains here in the United States. At one time we had fifty five (55) members of Congress sign a letter for a new trial or my release. Fifty-five members is historical. No other prisoner in history has ever beenable to accomplish this, nor has anyone else, individually I mean, and thereare other accomplishments we have made and won here in the United States.

Still I sit in prison not because I am guilty of the alleged crime I was illegally convicted of but because we still are unable to reach the masses here in America. The reason for this is not because the American people do not care or want to help, but because we have been unable to reach them. Personally I believe the majority of them do care and want to help. We sense this from the ones we are able to reach. We are moving forward very slowlyin this freedom campaign of mine. The reason is we just do not have the financial resources to move forward at the pace we would like to be. This is the real and only reason that we have not been able to reach the people inthe United States. Nothing is free here in America, not justice or the media.

So although there is still no light at the end of the tunnel for me or my freedom, we continue struggling forward. I continue to search for the hope and strength I need to survive. I continue to pray and hope that oneday I will get the support I need from the American people and one day I will still be able to walk out of prison. So my hopes and spirits are still high at my 62 years of age. I continue on this continued struggle. We are still finding bits and pieces of new evidence to file new appeals on. Thoseof you who have followed my case closely I can imagine are thinking How can this be, as there has been so many constitutional violations already. But the same old problem exists. The courts continue to cover up the continued criminal acts of my conviction committed by my prosecutors.

Your help is needed, Give what you can.

In the Spirit of Crazy Horse,
Leonard Peltier

NOTE: We, at the Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, Bob Robideau, and Toni Zeidan and the Legal Team, Barry Bachrach, and Mike Kuzma thank you for your ongoing support. Lets Bring Leonard Home!Donations can be sent for our ongoing Freedom campaign to the LPDC or Freedomwalk!

LPDC Address: LPDC2626 N. Mesa .. 132El Paso, Texas 79902 Or Freedomwalk @: www.freedomwalk.com

Sustainability Practices in the Caribbean

by Prensa Latina

SAN JUAN (PL) - The Path to Sustainability is the general theme for the Green Globe International Conference and the Green Tourism Conference to be held November 1st - 3rd at the Half Moon Hotel in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

A press release from the Caribbean Hotel Association (CHA) says the conference is a joint staging of the 2nd biennial International Green Globe Conference (the inaugural edition was held March 2004 in New Zeeland) and the 3rd biennial Caribbean Green Tourism Conference.

The 2006 edition is organized by the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (CAST) assisted by its parent organization, the Caribbean Hotel Association, and Green Globe Asia Pacific (GGAP). The goal of the conference is to determine the sustainability priorities and actions that GGAP, CAST and their industry partners must pursue over the next two years, in service to the regional tourism industry.

The conference program is structured around three main topics: Tourism Sustainability; Achieving Market Value Added; and Innovative Practices. On the first day, participants will have the opportunity to discuss current sustainability problems in order to redefine the urgency for actions and solutions. In addition, they will study sustainability strategies in Jamaica and Dominica, as well as the public-private sector collaboration role within the tourism industry. Day two will focus on sustainable tourism marketing products and includes a plenary session with a Green Suppliers' Forum on Products & Technology.

Energy conservation, wastewater treatment, sustainable building design, and air quality are some of the issues to be addressed on the second day of the conference - which will also include a discussion forum for participants of the Green Globe Caribbean Program.

Activities will culminate with the case presentations from award-winning properties, the 2006 American Express Caribbean Environmental Award winners Sandals Montego Bay (large hotel category) and 3 Rivers Eco Lodge (small hotel category).

Other conference highlights are a gala opening with a featured speaker, a trade fair of sustainability products and solutions, nature tours, and informal functions with opportunities for networking and exploring the best of Jamaica, among other activities.

Caribs Celebrate the Feast of Santa Rosa

Carib Chief Ricardo B. Hernandez address the Church
Service in Arima, Trinidad. (Photo: Triniview)

Arima, Trinidad (UCTP Taino News) - The Santa Rosa Carib Communty Celebrated The Feast of Santa Rosa With Church Service and Street Procession followed by Various Festivities on August 27, 2006.

Review a photo gallery of the complete event and community members at Triniview: http://triniview.com/album/Carib_Festival_270806

14th Annual Prayer Vigil for the Earth, All Invited...

Grandfather William Commanda, Algonquin
Sharing the prophecy of the Seen Fires at the
Prayer Vigil for the Earth in Washington, DC

14th Annual Prayer Vigil for the Earth, All Invited, 100% Volunteer
September 16 & 17, 2006,
Washington Monument, DC
Corner of 17th & Constitution Ave

Saturday: Interspersed with Ceremonial Songs & Music, Silence, Prayers, & Round Dances

Begins at Sunrise:
Welcome, Prayer Vigil Organizing Community
Sunrise Peace Pipe Ceremony, Honoring fire, Clyde Bellecourt, Ojibway, Mitch Walking Elk & Others (6:30am)

Honoring the Great Mother/WaterCeremony, Sacred Space, Drums & Women of Spirit from 4 Directions

Shumei Taiko, In Shinto Tradition, Taiko drumming, chanting, from Japan, Honoring air

Celtic Tradition, Celtic Wheel & Harvest

All Traditions Honoring the Earth....Kathy Sandoval, California First Nations & Roberto Mucaro Borrero, Taino (Caribbean Indigenous)

Blessing for Infants, All Traditions Parent/Child Blessing & Healing Ceremony, Mary Sunbeam

Talking Circles on Peace, Community & Youth

Christian Prayers, Rev. Sidney Byrd

Harry Byrd Celebration Game, All

World Peace Prayer Flag Ceremony, Deborah Moldow, All the Flags of the World, May Peace Prevail on Earth

Children's Music and Peace Parade, Bill Jenkins & Team

Tibetan Meditation & Prayers, KPC and others

Honoring: Cecelia Looking Horse, Craig Lavender, and other Vigil mentors

Hare Krishna, Music, Songs & Chanting

Prayer of St. Francis, Trudy Moorse & Bluebird Dance, LeaDance

Universal Dances of Peace, Northern Virginia Women's Hoop

One Song Choir, New Thought Churches in DC Area (Unity & Religious

Sufi Zikir Ceremony, Sheykh Abdul Kerim el-Kibrisi, Osamanli Naks- I'bendi Hakkani Dergahi

Sunset Ceremony, Ivy Hilton, Calling in the Stars on Crystal Bowls

Sikh, Music and Chanting Worship Service, Rajwant Singh, Guru Gobind Singh Foundation

Shumei Chanting & Taiko Drums (in coordination with many in Japan)

International Drumming for Mother Earth, First Nation's Drum, African Drum, & All Drums &
Musicians Invited

Prayer Vigil Song & Music & Dance Offerings, Larry Long, Rabiah Rayford, Yumi, Lona & All

Selichot Stories, Song, & Dance from the Jewish tradition, Rabbi David Shneyer

Midnight Peace Pipe Ceremony, Rev. La'Kota-Haise Frazier, Abenaki- Lakota

Sunday: Interspersed with Ceremonial Songs & Music, Silence, Prayers, & Round Dances

Begins before Sunrise:
Call to Prayer, Muslim

Honoring the All Night Fire Keepers & Community

Sunrise Peace Pipe Ceremony, Lillian Pitawanakwat & First Nations & Community

Standing Together: Community Middle East Healing & All Healing— Wiping Each Other's

Sharing Bread Together, All Traditions
Sufi Zikr, Shaykh Abdi; Kerim al-Kibrisi, Osamanli Naks-I'bendi Dergahi

Tibetan Buddhist Prayers & Chanting, The Venerable Khendo Tsultrim Rinpoche & Sangh,
TMC, Maryland

Christian Prayers, Hymns, & Readings, Rev Sidney Byrd & Others

Shumei Chanting & Taiko Drum, Shumei Members

Making Peace Cranes, Shumei & others musical offerings

Release of the Butterflies, Suzanne Clarke & Children

Children's Peace Parade, Bill Jenkins & Children

Commitment Ceremony, Sarah Berry & Eleanor Kibrick & All

All Nations Celebration of Life, Everyone

Continuously offered also:

Children's Activities Tent; Jyorei Healing; Japanese Shumei healing with Spiritual Light technique; Prayer Grove, Offering Prayers & Silence; Sacred Fire, Offering Prayers at All Times

Labyrinth, Walking into the Sacred Center, Sandra Wasko-Flood, Pam Ramadei, Amshatar Monroe ; Buffalo Healing & Silence Robe: Pray for the Animals, Plants, & All Life


Sharing thoughts on 9-11...

From Inarunikia inaru2003@yahoo.com:

Today is the anniversary of 9-11... Ground Zero,the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania are now called Sacred Ground.... With all the respect that should be afforded to the friends and families of the victims of 9-11 I hope America also remembers Wounded Knew is Scared Ground, Ponce is Sacred Ground...

Fact is the list for Natives is endless. So when the words of those in government state 'We must prevent another 9-11" remember the dust beneath America's soil is that of the bones of our ancestors.... Millions of them victims of terror as well.... Are Native People SAFE? What color will alert them of any impending danger? The Red, the White or the Blue?

Wounded Knee is Sacred Ground.....


*Related Story "Terrorist Attack - Tragedy in the U.S."


Up in Smoke? Latin America and the Caribbean

The threat from climate change to the environment and human development.

Climate Change is already hitting Latin America and the Caribbean and this is increasing the vulnerability of poor communities. “Up in Smoke? Latin America and the Caribbean” is the third report from the Working Group on Climate Change and Development. The supporting organisations of this report are: Progressio (formerly CIIR), ActionAid International, Christian Aid, Tearfund, nef (the new economics foundation), Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, CAFOD, RSPB, WWF, IIED (the International Institute for Environment and Development), Practical Action (formerly ITDG), people & planet, Columban Faith and Justice, Operation Noah, teri Europe, Medact, BirdLife International and WorldVision. These agencies have on-the-ground experience of working with communities whose fragile existences, and the ecosystems in which they live, are being further threatened by global warming. (this report is also available to download in Spanish & Portuguese)

Link to the report in pdf:


Descubren varios cementerios indígenas en Dominicana

Descubren varios cementerios indígenas en Dominicana
Por Prensa Latina - Lunes, Agosto 28, 2006

(PL) Varios entierros indígenas con restosóseos adultos fueron encontrados a escasa profundidad en Loma de los Quemaos, cerca del poblado Padre las Casas, en la sur occidental provincia dominicana de Azua, se informó hoy.

Las fosas encontradas en ese territorio montañoso tienen una dimensión aproximada de 70 pulgadas de diámetro y en su interior hayrestos humanos completos de unos 500 años de antigüedad, en un sitiocon señales de haber sido profanado.

El importante hallazgo arqueológico fue hecho por un humilde campesino de la zona, dedicado durante años a recopilar información sobre la existencia de los indios taínos y petroglifos en la zona y aproteger el patrimonio cultural.

La citada loma guardaba en su seno nueve sitios donde existenvestigios del hombre primitivo que habitó las montañas de estacomunidad, entre ellos restos óseos, algunos semienterrados y otrostotalmente desenterrados.

Una pared rocosa de unos tres o cuatro metros de altura es testigomudo de una importante cantidad de dibujos, entre los cuales sedestaca una figura cazando, círculos y animales. Además fue identificada una caverna en cuya entrada hay dos figuras indígenas pintadas en la pared, consideradas por los arqueólogos quecertificaron el hallazgo un magnífico ejemplo del arte indígena rupestre.

Uno de los cementerios indígenas, queda a varias horas de recorrido apie, escalando montañas y atravesando ríos de la zona, en un cerro a 800 metros sobre el nivel del mar, donde fueron encontrados también objetos de la cultura precolombina.

Lamentablemente, la mano de los depredadores había dejado su rastroen el lugar y varias tumbas habían sido profanadas, al parecer porpersonas del mismo pueblo en busca de oro.

También se detectó la presencia de gran cantidad de material arqueológico, tales como figuras en barro, hachas, cuentas de collares, conchas, trozos de cerámica, guayos y una piedra utilizada para elaboración de elementos cortantes.

En la zona, ubicada a unos 130 kilómetros de esta capital, se descubrió una caverna de varios metros de profundidad, probablemente utilizada como refugio o vivienda de los antiguos aborígenes dellugar.


415 Acres To be Added to Virgin Islands National Park

Prinstine Maho Bay, St. John, VI

St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands - The Trust for Public Land (TPL), a national nonprofit land conservation organization, today announced it has signed a contract to buy and preserve a 415-acre property in the heart of St. John that ultimately will become part of Virgin Islands National Park. It would be the biggest preservation project on St. John since the National Park was created in 1956.

The property, known as Estate Maho Bay, will be added to the park when federal funds become available, said Greg Chelius, director of TPL's program in Florida and the Caribbean.

"The national park on St. John is one of the world's great treasures," said Chelius. "We are very excited to be part of the effort to preserve its incredible natural beauty."

"TPL has been working on preserving Maho Bay for more than five years and while there have been a lot of challenges, it looks like we're finally on the road," Chelius continued. "We have a lot of hurdles to go, and we have to raise millions of dollars to make this happen, but we're confident that Estate Maho Bay will be protected."

The property has more than a quarter-mile of beachfront on pristine Maho Bay and rises to almost 1,000 feet in height. It also has significant ruins from the Danish colonial era, 1700-1860 and may have pre-Columbian cultural resources from the Taino Indian people, who inhabited St. John for 800 years before Christopher Columbus arrived. Just offshore are seagrass beds, green turtles and coral reef systems which are visited by thousands of people every year.

"Protection of this large property by TPL represents a very significant event for the V.I. National Park and for St. John. Development of this watershed would have had considerable impact on the natural and cultural resources of the park as well as residents and visitors to St. John," said Rafe Boulon, native St. Johnian and chief of resource management, V.I. National Park.

TPL has been working for years to acquire the property, which was owned by 11 heirs of Harvey Monroe Marsh. In fact, John Garrison, director of TPL's Southwest Florida Office and lead project manager on this acquisition, was interested in preserving this property before coming to TPL five years ago, when he was director of Friends of the Virgin Islands National Park, a nonprofit on St. John dedicated to protecting the park.

Garrison said that the property has not been subdivided, so that each heir owns 1/11 interest in the entire parcel. Six heirs agreed to sell their interests to TPL. TPL had previously purchased one interest. The NPS owns three interests and the 11th is being retained by one of the heirs. By contract, the purchase price of the six interests is to remain confidential. The heirs are also each retaining a six-acre lot, with the ability to build up to two homes.

"Preservation of this property will be the culmination of many, many years of work," said Garrison. "A lot of credit goes to the heirs, who were willing to work with us and gave us a significant bargain on the sale, as well as to the Friends group for their continued support." A spokesperson for the Marsh family said, "Maho Bay has been in the family for over 100 years so it is important to the family to retain ancestral home sites and at the same time preserve the natural beauty of the estate for future generations to enjoy."

"The preservation of Estate Maho Bay, one of the most popular and cherished areas within VI National Park, is a significant accomplishment that will benefit the people of St. John and all those who will be able to visit and enjoy this magnificent area," said Joe Kessler, president of Friends of Virgin Islands National Park. "The Friends and all those who love VI National Park will be forever grateful to TPL for their persistence and imagination in making this a reality, to the donor for their generosity in financing the acquisition and to the heirs for their foresight and commitment to preserving Estate Maho Bay. We are pleased to have been a part of making this happen."

The Trust for Public Land (TPL) is a national nonprofit land conservation organization that conserves land for people to enjoy as parks, gardens, and natural areas, ensuring livable communities for generations to come. Since its founding in 1972, TPL has helped protect more than 2 million acres of land in 45 states. Working in Florida since 1975, TPL has protected more than 300 sites - over 200,000 acres at a market value of more than $500 million. The Trust for Public Land depends on the support and generosity of individuals, foundations, and businesses to achieve our land for people mission.

Source: Envivonmental News Network http://enn.com


Guyana: Rodrigues sworn in for second term as government minister...

Guyana, South American (UCTP Taino News) - Carolyn Rodrigues, whom Guyana President Bharrat Jagdeo had announced would be resuming her portfolio, was sworn in for a second term as Minister of Amerindian Affairs.

With one hand on the bible, the Minister took her Oath before the President who presented her with the instruments of office.

Rodrigues was also sworn in as a member of the Cabinet during the short ceremony held at the Office of the President on Monday, September 4th 2006.

(Jules Gibson photo)

Op-Ed: As Taino We Must Combat Misinformation

by Domingo Turey Hernandez

I viewed on a public access channel recently, a program called "Visions of Puerto Rico." Rita Moreno read the script which included mistakes like, "El Yunke in Taino means Land of the Happy Spirit." This "translation" is not even close! Ms. Moreno then goes on to read the Yunke was considered sacred land to the Tainos. So what about the daily ceremonies that still take place there? Not only by Taino but by people of all colors who are espiritistas, curanderos, Santeros etc. El Yunke is still sacred ceremonial land.

The script also said that the palm trees so abundant on the island were not native to Boriken but was brought over from the Canary islands. This is lazy, lazy research!

There are many varieties of palm trees. While there is debate over whether the coconut palm tree was native to the islands of the Americas, the royal palms which grow taller then the coconut palm tree are indigenous to the islands. The royal palm was used for building bohios, canoas, macanas and the giant pilons used for mashing corn.

These types of corrections may sound petty but misinformation like this has been quoted as truth to say the Taino is no more. We have all heard that it is written that when Taino slavery was abolished, the notice was read in a San Juan plaza and only 60 Indians were there in the whole island to benefit from it. It seems some have forgotten that back in the 1500s Puerto Rico was the name given to the small island that today we call "el viejo San Juan". The Island as a whole was called San Juan Bautista. It was later because of a map maker's mistake that the names were interchanged. The name San Juan was given to the small "isleta" where the walled city was built and Puerto Rico for the rest of the larger island. So what the historian is saying is that when the Taino were liberated, there were only 60 enslaved Indians on the isleta which was then called Puerto Rico. Due to this misunderstanding people today say there were only
60 Indians left in the whole of Puerto Rico in the late 1500s.

People read books or see programs like "Visions of Puerto Rico" and it becomes their truth. As Taino we must write, paint, sing and document our survival. We can not expect it to be done for us. We must watch everything written or created about us and give quick feedback so that our young ones are not misinformed.

For example two books that recently upset me are one that suggests the Taino are Chinese because of the possibility the Chinese ships may have visited 50 years before Colon and another that claims the Taino are African because of possible contact with Africans.

Why can't the Taino be just that? Why does some other group have to be given the credit for what our ancestors created? Even if my great grandmothers loved some Chinese or African sailors, they had a strong and powerful culture that could stand on its own.

Further, no matter who came, our people were the majority for many years after contact. That is what the DNA studies show, that even after 500 years of massive immigration to our island by people from all over the planet; the Native blood is still the majority.

Guyana Ministry plans nationwide campaign to educate Amerindians about their rights...

Basil Joseph explains his painting to two admiring viewers. He
was one of several persons at the launching of Amerindian
Heritage Month 2006 at the Umana Yana on Friday, where items
made by the Amerindian people were on display.

Guyana, South America - Shortly before it was announced by President Bharrat Jagdeo that Carolyn Rodrigues would remain the Minister of Amerindian Affairs, she told the huge crowd that flocked the Umana Yana on Friday for the launching of Amerindian Heritage Month 2006, that the ministry planned to have to a nationwide campaign to educate the Amerindian people about their rights.

The launch which was attended by President Jagdeo, Opposition Leader Robert Corbin, members of the diplomatic community and ministers of government, among others, has become an annual event since 1995 when a bill was passed for September to be designated Amerindian Heritage Month. This year the theme is 'Succeeding in the Quest for Progress' and the Heritage Village is Annai in Region 9.

The gathering, which was significantly smaller than the one last year, was entertained with a number of Amerindian songs rendered by the hinterland students.

The first verse of the National Anthem was sung in a native Amerindian language.

Dr Desrey Fox, the curator of the Walter Roth Museum, plans to translate the entire National Anthem and the Pledge into all nine Amerindian languages.

Rodrigues in her address said that in February this year the Amerindian Act had been passed in Parliament and signed by the president in March, and that communities had already started implementing its provisions.

The minister gave the assurance that her ministry would have land issues affecting Amerindians sorted out as soon as possible: "Some Amerindian communities have already received titles to their lands. Over 13% or 11,205 square miles is the amount of land owned by the Amerindians - more than double [that] in years gone by."

Highlighting some of accomplishments of the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs, Rodrigues said that the Suddie hostel in Region 2 had been completed about four months ago to cater for those persons accompanying the injured from the interior. She added that the hostels at Port Kaituma and Moruca should be completed later this month.

Rodrigues informed the gathering that Sheleza Reid, a hinterland student had placed third at the recently concluded CSEC examinations. She had gained ten grade ones and one grade two, and was a product of the Anna Regina Secon-dary School.

In terms of further improving education, she stated that the St Cuthbert's school would be completed later this year. According to Rodrigues, improving communities was a necessity, and that was why the ministry continued to provide radio sets and outboard engines. Some communities, she continued, such as Santa Rosa and Annai had also benefited from the installation of telephones by GT&T.

Meanwhile the president in his speech said that Rodrigues would continue to act as the Minister of Amerindian Affairs since he was very impressed with her work.

Highlighting some of the things that would be done for the Amerindian people in the coming years, he announced that by 2008 the ferry stelling would be upgraded.

"At present we are building a boat for Orealla and the Demerara River so that people can get transportation facilities..."

The head of state added that efforts would be made to give Amerindian children the same educational opportunities as the rest of the country enjoyed.

In closing he said, "I hope that Guyana can take the lesson of their Amerindian brothers and sisters - that is to work together".

Following the launching people congregated outside the Umana Yana to view or buy the craft, paintings, sculpture, jewellery and food which were on display.

Among the activities scheduled for the rest of the month are an exhibition and sale of arts and craft and Amerindian dishes from September 1-6 at the Umana Yana; Heritage Day Celebrations at Annai on the 10th, a fund-raising dinner on the 22nd at the Guyana Pegasus and a Cultural Extravaganza on the 30th at the National Cultural Centre to close off activities.

Source: Starbroek News 09/03/06

Guyana: Carolyn Rodrigues for new Cabinet

Guyana, South America - President-elect Bharrat Jagdeo last evening named the first minister in his new Cabinet. Carolyn Rodrigues will retain her portfolio as Minister of Amerindian Affairs. Jagdeo who was re-elected president in the just concluded general and regional elections made the announcement while addressing an audience at the Umana Yana at the launching of Amerindian Heritage month.

According to a release from the Government Information Agency (GINA) the President also said that that he was hurt when he heard that an unnamed country (Suriname) was preparing to accommodate Guyanese refugees in anticipation of a possible outbreak of violence following Monday's polls. Post-elections violence has blighted this country since 1992 and many were fearful that there would have been attacks this time around.

Jagdeo did not give any further hints of the make-up of his cabinet, but he lauded the performance of Rodrigues, describing her as a wonderful person who has worked hard and genuinely cares for the people. He said he needed people like Rodrigues to work with him. Jagdeo also said that much more work needs to be done in indigenous communities, promising that his government for the next five years would focus on that.

He also addressed a few words to PNCR-1G presidential candidate Robert Corbin who was also at the event.

"I want to say to Mr. Corbin who is here that it will be our task over the next five years to take this country forward. We have to find ways, innovative ways to work together to solve the problems of our people".

Source: Starbroek News 09/02/06


Caribbean Indigenous Peoples Support the Passage of the United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples

UCTP Public Notice: A petition to support passage of the United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples has been organized by the Grand Council of the Crees and Amnesty International Canada. The names and organizations collected on this petition will be used to promote adoption of the draft Declaration to governments around the world.

After UCTP Consultation in the Region, Caribbean Indigenous Representatives verified in their support of the United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples included United Confederation of Taino People (Caribbean & US), Consejo General de Tainos Boricanos (Puerto Rico), Caney Quinto Mundo (Puerto Rico), Joboshirima Arawak Community (Venezuela), Fundacion Luz Cosmica Taina (Dom. Republic), Kalinago Carib Nation (Dominica), Guyanese Organization of Indigenous Peoples (Guyana), Eagle Clan Arawaks (Barbados & Guyana), Amerindian Peoples Association (Guyana), Amerindian Action Movement of Guyana (Guyana), and the Garifuna American Heritage Foundation United (US & Caribbean),

The UCTP urges our community, either individually or via their organizations, to support this petition initiative of the Grand Council of the Crees and Amnesty International Canada.

Sign the petition at

Review a related story at

A Small but Important Victory in the Fight Against Global Warming

California (UCTP Taino News) - The Regional Director of Environmental Defense, Tom Graff announced today that the California state legislature passed the Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32), a bill that establishes a first-in-the-nation statewide cap on global warming pollution. The bill goes to Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who has promised to sign it.

As noted by Environmental Defense, the organization who co-sponsored the bill, “This is an incredible achievement in our efforts to fight global warming and represents the most significant momentum to date toward passing a national cap on global warming pollution.”

Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) puts California in the forefront in the effort to spark interest and investments in new, cleaner energy technologies that will unleash innovation and economic growth for years to come.

Graff also noted that “leaders in Washington and in state capitals across the country have been watching to see what happens with this California bill, and now they know what's possible”.

The organization acknowledged the hard working of its staff in Sacramento and throughout the state to pass this bill. Environmental Defense also acknowledged however that with the grassroots support of tens of thousands of online activists who supported their efforts, the vote would not have been won.

Review Related UCTP Articles and Initiatives on the Global Climate Crises

UCTP Action on Global Climate Crises
UCTP Resolution on Climate Change

UCTP Letter to George Bush

UCTP Takes Position on Climate Change
URGENT: Call for Action on Climate Change Crisis

UCTP Taino News: Happy Birthdays to Community Members

UCTP Taino News: Happy Birthday wishes go out to all who celebrated birthdays in August especially those who did not receive mention in the Taino News like our esteemed UCTP President & Chairman, Roberto Mukaro Borrero... The "Voice" Staff wishes him the best of all things always. You can send him a belated birthday message at uctp_ny@yahoo.com

Now that September is upon us, the UCTP would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to our dear nitou (sister) Claudia Fox Tree (Sept. 1)... Claudia is our UCTP representative in Massachusetts and if you would like to send her a message, you can email her at cfoxtree@lincnet.org

The UCTP also wishes a very Happy Birthday to our dear nitou Evelyn Cruz Lear (Sept. 2)... Evelyn is our UCTP representative in NewJersey and if you would like to send her a message you can email her at thrive4joy@optonline.net

May the Creator continue to smile on these warriors who are in the front lines in defense of our ancient culture!

Not to forget our future generations, the UCTP would also like to wish a very Happy Birthday to a community guaili, Justin Ziegelasch who turns 11 years old today. Justin is the son of UCTP Florida Representative Millie Gandia and his Taino name is Seiba.

Yet another Happy Birthday also goes out to guaili Frankie Borrero who turns 9 today. "Little Frankie" is the nephew of UCTP President and Chairman, Roberto Mukaro Borrero.

As the Creator smiles upon them, we wish this young warriors all the best of everything always!

Han Han Katu.

Guyana: Amerindian Heritage Month Launch Today

Guyana, South America (UCTP Taino News) - September is designated as `Amerindian Heritage Month'. During Heritage Month, Indigenous Peoples from all around the country will come together to celebrate and showcase their products and resources.

During the month-long commemoration, focus will be on cultural, sports and environmental activities in and out of Amerindian communities. There are 9 different indigenous peoples who have inhabited the land which is known as Guyana for several thousand years.

In 1995, the late President Dr. Cheddi Jagan designated September as Amerindian Heritage Month to showcase and promote Amerindian culture and contributions as Guyanese. The observance in September has received recognition from various Amerindian groups because on September 10, 1957, the first Amerindian Parliamentarian Mr. Stephen Campbell of Santa Rosa, Moruca, was sworn in as a Member of Parliament (MP).

UCTPTN 09.01.2006