
World Water Day....

Why is water a key to food security?

Food security exists when all people at all times have both physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life.

People who have better access to water tend to have lower levels of undernourishment. The lack of water can be a major cause of famine and undernourishment, in particular in areas where people depend on local agriculture for food and income.

Erratic rainfall and seasonal differences in water availability can cause temporary food shortages. Floods and droughts can cause some of the most intensive food emergencies.

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Taíno Artist Displays Work at Peaceburgh

Taino Artist Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague and his work "Invoking the Ancestors"

Pittsburgh, PA (UCTP Taino News) - Miguel Sobaoko Koromo Sague, a Taino artist originally from Cuba exhibited some of his selected works at the Peaceburgh Artist Showcase this past weekend. The works displayed were a selection of posters and prints of his oil and acrylic paintings and drawings. The two-day event was held at the First United Methodist Church in the Shadyside neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sague is a graduate from Columbus College of Art and Design with a BS degree in Art Ed. He taught art in Pittsburgh Public and private schools for 30 years.

UCTPTN 03.05.2012