See the full article at UCTP Taino News:
A Syndicated Indigenous News Service dedicated to increasing the visibility of Taino and other Native Peoples from throughout the Caribbean region and the Diaspora in the Spirit of Our Ancestors. CopyRight © 2004-2023, All Rights Reserved
There is widespread confusion concerning the application of the term Arawak on Caribbean Indigenous Peoples. This is not surprising given our disparate state across the islands and into the Diaspora. As descendants of the first Indigenous Peoples in the Western hemisphere to be labeled Indians, our communities are dealing with over 500 years of colonization and misinformation via educational institutions promoting ideologies that were established by the colonizers.
Roberto Múkaro Borrero is a Borikén Taíno historian, artist, and activist who currently serves as President of the United Confederation of Taíno People. He can be contacted at mukaro@uctp.org or at www.uctp.org.