
BREAKING NEWS: Former Arawak Village Chief arrested under dubious circumstances in Guyana

Guyana, South America (UCTP Taino News) - On Saturday April 7th, David Simon - former elected village Chief of St. Cuthberts Mission/Pakuri Arawak territory in Guyana South America - was arrested by Guyana Police while he was walking in the Soesdyke area of the East Bank Demerara. The official charge is 'failure to attend Court concerning a matter pertaining to the insurance of his vehicle", bail might be considered on Tuesday April 10th 2007 - but until then he must eat (if relatives bring him food), live & sleep (on a bench) in Providence Police Station. Mr. Simon had gone to Court twice and was told each time by the Court Clerk that there was 'No case pending against him".

Mr. Simon had made history in international environmental & conservation circles on 17th September in 2003 when he signed the Nancy Lewis Cullity Parrot Protection Act (see photo) into reservation law for the 240 square mile St. Cuthbert's Mission/Pakuri Arawak Territory - a law that forbade the capture & trafficking of parrot and macaw species on the autonomous tribal territory for the pet trade; he was the first Indigenous leader worldwide to sign the Act - which was the brainchild of American Vietnam Veteran Brian Cullity & Barbadian Damon Gerard Corrie and was drafted by Marc Johnon - founder of Fosterparrots.com in the USA.

When alerted about the arrest Mr. Corrie had this to say: "This is an outrage! To think that in this day and age a former elected Amerindian Chief could be arrested and confined to a cell for an 'allegged' non-violent offense such as this - where in civilized countries such an offence - if true - would be punishable by a mere fine - is totally unacceptable, in fact - seeing as the Police (contrary to the Laws of Guyana) did not ask the current elected Chief of St. Cuthbert's Mission/Pakuri Arawak Territory - Chief Pierre Andrews for permission to arrest Mr. Simon - who is a member of the Arawak tribe and resident of that autonomous territory - I believe Mr. Simon's Human Rights have been violated and I will personally alert the relevant international Human Rights bodies within the OAS (Organisation of American States) and the UN (United Nations). Members of the Guyana Police Force need to learn the law and follow the law - for they seem to believe that they are above the law far too often."

Mr. Corrie - who is a descendant of the 19th century Guyanese Hereditary Arawak Chief Amorotahe Haubariria, called on the media in Guyana to investigate the case and ask Mr. Simon for his side of the story - as ugly rumours are spreading in the community about pay-offs made by political opponents to certain policemen to 'frame' Mr. Simon. Current elected Chief Pierre Andrews can be reached via (592) 649-0812 for more information.

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