
Emergencia Arqueológica en Río La Plata, Dorado Borikén (Puerto Rico)

Comunicado de Prensa para difusión Inmediata (13 de diciembre de 2019) - La Confederación Unida del Pueblo Taíno, conocida como UCTP, por sus siglas en inglés, envió hoy una carta dirigida a la Sra. Valerie Hauser, Directora de Asuntos Nativo-Americanos del Consejo Asesor sobre la Preservación Histórica (ACHP, por sus siglas en inglés), en Washington, D.C. y con copia a un sinnúmero de oficiales de agencias federales en E.E.U.U. y en Puerto Rico, miembros de la comunidad indígena, arqueólogos, entre otros, incluyendo al Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña. 

Dicha carta hacía referencia a: la violación de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas de Tribus que no son federalmente reconocidas y sobre diálogo y seguimiento entre la Sra. Hauser y Tai Pelli, Oficial de Relaciones Internacionales y Derechos Humanos de la UCTP, luego de que ésta presentara una intervención ante el Foro Permanente sobre las Cuestiones Indígenas de las Naciones Unidas, exponiendo la falta de cumplimiento de parte de Estados Unidos en la consulta y la implementación de la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas, y presentado prueba de dicho incumplimiento.

Aunque las agencias federales declaran que no necesitan hacer consulta “porque en Puerto Rico no hay Tribus Federalmente reconocidas”, parece que pocos, aparte de el mismo Pueblo Indígena, conocen sobre nuestros derechos. La Sra. Hauser indicó que sí existen instrucciones de cómo gestionar consulta con tribus que no son federalmente reconocidas. Poco después, la oficina de Programas de Agencias Federales envió una carta con instrucciones claras a la agencia pertinente federal en Puerto Rico, de cómo gestionar la consulta con la UCTP, de acuerdo a los protocolos existentes en las agencias federales para la Consulta con tribus que no son federalmente reconocidas. Dicha agencia jamás se comunicó con la UCTP.

Surge otro hallazgo cuyas condiciones aparentan ser, de acuerdo a conocedores en la materia, como uno peor que Jácanas en Ponce hace años atrás.

Como parte de 3 lugares donde la SHPO ha otorgado permisología para la canalización de ríos, y cuyos contratos alegadamente serían otorgados a la misma compañía, comienza el proceso en el primer sector, Río La Plata en Dorado, PR este pasado septiembre 2019. Poco después surge que en el lugar hay un yacimiento arqueológico significativo en tamaño, que incluye entierros de seres humanos, vasijas, etc. El Cuerpo de Ingenieros contrata a la compañía SEARCH y ésta se encarga de la excavación.

Supimos que se había encontrado restos humanos pertenecientes a 8-10 personas. No fue sino hasta que recibimos fotos de vecinos del área recientemente, que supimos la magnitud del caso y cuestionamos la manera en que se está trabajando el área; hay pedazos de vasijas rotos regados por el lar, máquina digger en el área de yacimiento y 7 restos humanos sufriendo la vergüenza de lo que han sufrido miles de Borikuas por los huracanes: ¡que nuestros ancestros también estén tapados con toldos azules sucios dados a los elementos! Desconocemos si éstos son adicionales a los que se habían mencionado y encontrado inicialmente.

Hemos sabido que la arqueóloga que había sido contactada para que su laboratorio hiciera los estudios geo-arqueológicos del yacimiento, por su gran preocupación ética por la manera en que se estaba llevando a cabo esta operación, renunció al proyecto efectivo de inmediato ayer 12 de diciembre de 2019, en la tarde.

La UCTP y miembros de la comunidad indígena, le han pedido a la más alta oficina a nivel federal a que le pongan un alto a esa permisología, y que se investigue y se corrija esta situación lo antes posible, amparándose en sus derechos, como han sido expresados en la Declaración de las Naciones Unidas sobre los Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas.

Por este medio hacemos un llamado a la comunidad indígena caribeña así como la Internacional y a nuestros simpatizantes no-indígenas a que expresen y apoyen nuestro Pueblo Indígena y finalmente pongamos fin a este abuso que se continúa cometiendo contra el patrimonio indígena, nuestros yacimientos arqueológicos, y nuestros sitios sagrados, ahora en Borikén y a través del mundo.

Para mayor información, favor de comunicarse con Tai Pelli, Oficial de Relaciones Internacionales y Derechos Humanos, Confederación Unida del Pueblo Taíno (United Confederation of Taíno People) a: taipelli21@gmail.com.


Honoring Veterans Pow Wow held at Pequot Museum in Connecticut

UCTP Liaison Angel Ortiz (at right) with Taíno community members, elder Julio Gonzalez and George Alcoba, the brother and nephew of the late elder UCTP representative, Hector Baracutey Gonzalez. 
Mashantucket, CT (UCTP Taíno News) – The Mashantucket Pequot Museum and Research Center in Mashantucket, CT held its annual “Honoring Veterans Pow Wow” on Saturday, November 9, 2019. The event honored veterans with traditional song, dance, and arts. 

Attending the Pow Wow for the 7th consecutive year, representing the United Confederation of Taíno People (UCTP), was Angel Lionheart Ortiz, a UCTP Liaison Officer for Connecticut. Ortiz has consistently participated in this Pow Wow’s grand entry bearing the flag of the Confederation. Ortiz, who is on active duty with the U.S. Coast Guard, dedicated his participation this year to the memory of Taíno elder Hector “Baracutey” Gonzalez and as a prayer offering for fellow UCTP Officer Tai Pelli who sustained injuries from a recent auto accident. 

To further thank honor and thank service members, the Museum offered a complimentary meal of succotash or chowder and corn cakes or frybread to veterans/active duty military and a guest. The event was also free for veterans and museum members. 

UCTPTN 11/10/2019

Special Screening of Women of the White Buffalo in Boston

Chali'naru Dones (at left), Deborah Anderson, and Darlene Flores at the screening of Women of the White Buffalo

Boston, Massachusetts (UCTP Taino News) – A special private screening of Deborah Anderson's documentary film "Women of the White Buffalo" was held at Leica Store & Gallery Boston on Saturday, November 9, 2019. 

According to the filmmaker, the intention of this film is to shine a light on Indigenous Women and include their voices in this current wave of global Women’s resistance. The film also seeks to inspire the next generation of Native Americans to remember who they are and utilize their own ancient wisdom in the much-needed healing of their communities. The screening was also an educational opportunity for non-Native people to learn from this beautiful and powerful culture and confront the forces that perpetuate inequality and historical racism causing separation among peoples. 

The film provides an intimate look into the lives of 8 women, ranging in age from 10 to 98, who deliver harrowing testimonials of loss and survival while providing direct insight into what it is to be a modern Native American. With the inclusion of current statistics along with historical accounts, the audience can track how these present-day conditions came to be. 

Attending the event were two Taíno community members, Chali'naru Dones and Darlene Flores. Dones, who is also a representative of the United Confederation of Taíno People, was asked by Anderson to give an opening prayer for this special event. While Dones shared the prayer in the Taíno language, Flores offered the English translation. 

 UCTPTN 11/10/2019


Lokono Arawak Leader Releases 4th Book Focusing on Legendary Creatures of Eagle Clan Oral tradition

Bridgetown, Barbados (UCTP Taíno News) - Chief Damon Corrie, a hereditary leader of the Eagle Clan Lokono Arawaks has released his 4th publication this year entitled "Amazonia's Mythical and Legendary Creatures in the Eagle Clan Lokono-Arawak Oral Tradition of Guyana." A well-known, radical, international advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples, Corrie now takes on the role of prolific writer sharing accounts drawn from his personal involvement in tribal life, as well as his long-time interactions with tribal elders. Additional books by Corrie include "The Amazon is Burning - The Flames of 21st Century Resistance Inspired by Indigenous Women," "Understanding Spirituality, Anomalous Phenomena as life lessons," and "Understanding Spirituality, Dreams, Insights, Exorcisms, Visitations and Shamanic Healing." Damon Corrie is also a co-founder of the Caribbean Amerindian Development Organization and a governing board member of the United Confederation of Taíno People. He currently resides in Barbados with his wife Shirling and their 4 children, Hatuey Francis, Tecumseh Shawandase, Sabantho Aderi and Laliwa Hadali. 

UCTPTN 10/21/2019


UCTP Representative to Speak at Indigenous Peoples’ Day Philly 2019

Philadelphia, PA (UCTP Taíno News) - Indigenous Peoples’ Day Philly 2019 (IPD Philly) is a family-friendly, Indigenous art and culture celebration that will take place from 11:00AM – 5:00PM on Saturday, October 12, 2019, at Penn Treaty Park (1301 N. Beach St.). The Indigenous resistance of the Taíno people began on October 12, 1492, and Tai Pelli, a representative of the United Confederation of Taíno People will be one of IPD Philly's featured speakers. 

According to the organizers, IPD Philly 2019 will be an "acknowledgment of 527 years of the strength and resilience of Indigenous Peoples." IDP Philly 2019 seeks to create "an important space for increasing awareness and encouraging dialogue about the Indigenous people of this land and the collective history that we all share as Americans.” 

The IPD Philly 2019 celebration also honors the Lenni-Lenape of today, whose traditional homelands are where Philadelphia now stands and bring community together for a celebration of song, dance, beautiful art, and traditional foods. What is now Penn Treaty Park is a significant place where the Great Elm Tree of Shackamaxon once stood. It is where many sachems of the Lenni-Lenape and other tribes from the Lenapehoking territory would meet for council.

Additionally, the celebration will present the work of local Indigenous artists and offer interactive programs, which will encourage guests to engage with educators to learn about Indigenous traditions and culture. 

IPD Philly has a "pay-what-you- wish/suggested donation" of $10 adults and $5 for children 12 years+ and elders. Tickets are available online at https://ipdphilly2019tickets.eventbrite.com or at the door. 

UCTPTN 10/04/2019


Youth-led Climate Actions Mobilize Millions Across the Globe

Members of the Bohio Atabei; the Guainía Taíno Tribe, and others participated in the September 20 Climate Strike delegation organized by the United Confederation of Taíno People.

New York, NY (UCTP Taino News) – Over 4 million people, in more than 150 countries around the world, rallied and marched on Friday, September 20, 2019, as part of the growing youth-led global climate strike movement. In New York, according to various media sources, an estimated 250,000 people took to the streets to share a unified demand for action on the climate crisis. 

The actions in New York and around the world took place three days before world leaders met for the United Nations Climate Summit. In a press conference held days before the Global Climate Strike, UN Secretary-General António Guterres stated that “[Young people] are absolutely right to press us to do better and to unite behind science." 

The New York Climate Strike included opening and closing rallies and a massive march from Foley Square to Battery Park that was organized and led by youth activists, inspired in part, by Swedish activist Greta Thunberg

Thunberg attended and addressed the event stating that political leaders are not acting to reduce carbon emissions despite the 2018 warning issued by the world’s leading climate scientists, who reported that the world must cut global emissions in half by 2030 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 to avoid catastrophic climate change. 

Among the frontline communities participating in the march were local and international representatives of Indigenous Peoples. Opening and closing remarks and cultural offerings were presented by and or on behalf of members of the Ramapo Lenape and the Schaghticoke First Nations, as well as Indigenous Peoples of the Brazilian Amazon, Canada, Ecuador, Mexico, and a delegation of Taino peoples organized by the United Confederation of Taíno People, an indigenous representative institution that officially endorsed the September 20 action. 

In her statement from the main stage, Bibi Vanessa Inarunikia, representing the Bohio Atabei Caribbean Indigenous Women’s Circle encouraged continued actions and leadership by youth, noting this was just the beginning. Her statements were followed by the delegation singing a unity song in the Taíno language. 

The Climate Strike coincided with the second anniversary of when Hurricane Maria devasted Puerto Rico and centered on three core demands including calls for a Green New Deal; Respect of Indigenous Land and Sovereignty; and Environmental Justice. 

UCTPTN 09/21/2019


Kasibahagua shares Taíno Culture in Massachusetts

Haverhill, MA (UCTP Taíno News) - The Kasibahagua Taíno Cultural Society shared two successful presentations at the 31st Annual Inter-Tribal Pow Wow hosted by the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness (MCNAA). The event took place September 7-8 at Plug Pond in Haverhill, Mass. The Pow Wow featured the songs and dances of Indigenous Peoples from throughout the Americas, as well as artisan vendors, food, an educational component, and canoe and kayak opportunities. 

An organizational member of the United Confederation of Taino People (UCTP), the Kasibahagua Taíno Cultural Society presented aspects of Taíno culture via dance and song, sharing stories and explanations of instruments and regalia. The group was lead by Kalichi'naru Lebron and featured an owl dance by Chali'naru Dones

In a related presentation, Claudia Fox Tree, M.Ed. (Yurumein Arawak), a board member of the MCNAA and a local Liaison Officer for the UCTP, led a featured educational component at the event.  Fox Tree held inter-active conversations both days for about 30 minutes with opportunities for Q & A after presentations that focused on inaccuracies and stereotypes about, as well as the contributions of Indigenous Peoples throughout history.  

UCTPTN 09/10/2019


UCTP Representative will participate in Indigenous Political Engagement Summit

Tai Pelli, United Confederation of Taíno People
Des Moines, Iowa (UCTP Taíno News) – Seeding Sovereignty, an Indigenous womxn-led collective, in collaboration with the National Network Assembly, has curated the first Indigenous Political Engagement Summit taking place from August 22-25, 2019. The summit, which will be held in Des Moines, Iowa, is being organized for indigenous leaders to learn, network, and strategize around political engagement on the own Nations and in the U.S. Congress. The summit will bring together 35 innovative indigenous leaders including UCTP representative Tai Pelli.

The Indigenous Political Engagement Summit takes place in tandem with the National Network Assembly where over 200 grassroots leaders and organizers from across the country will be present to focus on deeping relationships and broadening skills. Tai Pelli is a Borikén Taíno, a member of the Guainía Taíno Tribe, and co-founder of the Caribbean Amerindian Development Organization. Her presentation will focus on using the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, as well as other United Nations mechanisms accessible to Indigenous Peoples.

The United Confederation of Taíno People is an indigenous representative institution established in 1998 to protect, defend, and preserve the heritage, spiritual traditions, and human rights of Taíno Peoples.

 UCTPTN 08/20/2019 


Tata’niki Iraheta Takes First Place in Junior Men Traditional Dance

Tata'niki Iraheta (Taíno) at the 2019 Mohegan Wigwam Festival.
(Photo credit: Marisol Velasco)
Uncasville, CT (UCTP Taíno News) – Tata’niki Iraheta, a member of the Guainía Taíno Tribe, took first place in the Junior Men Traditional Dance at the Mohegan Wigwam Festival, which was held August 17 -18, 2019 in Connecticut. Eight-year Tata’niki has been participating in the Northeastern pow wow circuit since he was two-years-old, attending with his mother Chali’naru Dones, a representative of the United Confederation of Taíno People. His 1st place recognition at the Wigwam Festival follows two other place awards this year achieved during the Bear Mountain Pow Wow in New York and the Narragansett Pow Wow in Massachusetts. 

 UCTPTN 08/19/2019


UCTP Liaison Officer Angel Oritz attends Mohegan Wigwam Festival

Connecticut (UCTP Taíno News) - The second day Mohegan Wigwam Festival is taking place today, August 18th, 2019 at Fort Shantock in Uncasville, Connecticut. The annual festival is free open to the public and coincides with the corn harvest. The gathering will feature traditional Mohegan and other American Indian food, music, jewelry, vendors, and dancing. Hundreds of dancers are expected to attend. UCTP Liaison Officer Angel "Lionheart" Ortiz will represent the UCTP carrying the UCTP flag in the Grand Entry that starts the dancing each day at 12noon. The festival opens at 10AM and concludes at 7PM. 

UCTPTN 08/18/2019


Taíno Representative to Participate on International Round Table on International Indigenous Day

UCTP Taino News – Representing both the United Confederation of Taíno People (UCTP) and the Caribbean Amerindian Development Organization (CADO), Tai Pellicier has been invited, as part of the activities of the United Nations Indigenous Peoples Day, to participate via Skype in an event that will focus on the Implementation of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. The invitation was extended by members of the indigenous Crimean Tatar community in Ukraine. The event will be attended by several international experts on the rights of indigenous peoples and other indigenous peoples’ representatives. Pellicier will be the sole indigenous person from the western hemisphere to participate in the round table program taking place on August 9, 2019. The UN International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples is celebrated around the world. It was first pronounced by the General Assembly of the United Nations in December 1994, marking the day of the first meeting of the UN Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Subcommission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights, in 1982.

 UCTPTN 08/09/2019


Kasibahagua will present Taíno cultural at Bear Mountain Pow Wow

Some members of the Kasibahagua Taíno Cultural Society along with family members. 

Bear Mountain, NY (UCTP Taíno News) – Members of the Kasibahagua Taíno Cultural Society will share two cultural presentations, one on Saturday, August 3rd and one on Sunday, August 4 at the Bear Mountain Pow Wow. The group will also have an educational booth to continue to educate attendees throughout the weekend. Founded in 1994, members of Kasibahagua have promoted Taino culture and educated thousands using music, song, dance, and art at Pows Wows, festivals, conferences, and other events around the world. The Annual Bear Mountain Powwow will be held at Anthony Wayne Recreation Area, in Stony Point, New York. A Grand Entry of Dancers begins at 1 p.m. and again at 5 p.m., rain or shine. The event is open to the public who are welcome to bring lawn chairs. The Bear Mountain Powwow is hosted by the Redhawk Native American Arts Council. For more information contact native@redhawkcouncil.org or you can visit the Redhawk Native American Arts Council’s website at https://redhawkcouncil.org/. The Kasibahagua Taíno Cultural Society is a member organization of the United Confederation of Taíno People
UCTPTN 08/02/2019


Taíno delegation at Boston Puerto Rican Parade

Members of the Taíno delegation at the 52nd Annual Puerto Rican Festival in Boston, Massachusetts
(Photo courtesy of Chali'naru Dones) 
Boston, MA (UCTP Taino News) - The 52nd annual Puerto Rican Festival was held on Sunday, July 28, 2019, at Boston City Hall Plaza. The day began with a parade whose route began in Copley Square and ended at City Plaza. Among the parade participants was a delegation of Taíno people organized by Chali’naru Dones, a representative of the United Confederation of Taíno People. Dones is also a member of the Guainía Taíno Tribe. The annual celebration of Puerto Rican cultural heritage attracted thousands and festival featured cultural entertainment including storytelling and workshops, traditional food stands, and a health fair, as well as rides and games for children and adults.

UCTPTN 07/30/2019


UCTP Liaison Nova Saigo Attends Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe's Freedom Walk

UCTP Liaison Nova Saigo with Congresswoman Deb Haaland
attending the Annual Saginaw Chippewa Freedom Walk.
Mount Pleasant, Michigan (UCTP Taíno News) – The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan (SCIT) held their Annual Freedom Walk and their 35th Annual SCIT Pow Wow on July 27th, 2019. The SCIT Annual Freedom Walk promotes an alcohol-free and drug-free lifestyle. Participants are also encouraged to join in the Walk’s “recovery pledge.” The annual events began at 7am with an opening prayer and breakfast followed by speakers from the Tribal Community. The walk began at 9am with its route going from the Eagles Nest Tribal Gym to the Pow Wow grounds. The walkers entered the Pow Wow circle via its eastern door and proceed to circle the grounds. Among the walkers present at the event were U.S. Congresswoman Deb Haaland and UCTP Liaison Officer Nova Kaobana Saigo who was representing both the United Confederation of Taíno People and the Redrum Motorcycle Club.

UCTPTN 07/28/92019 


Puerto Rico’s Governor Expected to Resign Today

Some of the indigenous community members participating in the mass mobilization in San Juan on Monday, July 22, 2019. 
(Photo courtesy of Bibi Aya Joanna Aviles Soto)
Borikén (Puerto Rico) – Various news sources are reporting that Puerto Rico’s Gov. Ricardo Rosselló is expected to resign today, Wednesday, July 24 after more than a week of demonstrations in San Juan, the island’s capital.

Hundreds of thousands of islanders have been taking part in demonstrations for over 10 days calling for Rossello’s resignation after the Center of Investigative Journalism 
published a series of leaked chat messages between the governor and his senior staff that included degrading "jokes" about victims of Hurricane Maria, as well as homophobic and misogynistic language about political opponents and government officials.

The leaks were published on July 13, which was the same week the FBI arrested Education Secretary Julia Keleher and Angela Avila Marrero, executive director of the island's health insurance administration as part of a federal corruption investigation. Rosello’s Chief of Staff, Ricardo Llerandi Cruz submitted his resignation on Tuesday, July 23. If Rossello does resign, he would be replaced by Justice Secretary Wanda Vazquez.

The demonstrations brought out Puerto Ricans from all sectors including members of the island’s indigenous peoples. Ahead of the massive action on July 22, a diverse coalition of Taíno and other indigenous peoples of the island published a declaration on July21st affirming solidarity with the public actions calling for Rossello’sresignation.

Indigenous solidarity was not limited to within the island as support actions took place across the Diaspora with Taíno people participating in these actions and in online "#RickyRenuncia" campaigns.

Taíno supporting the actions in solidarity from New York City.
(Photo courtesy of Bohio Atabei)

UCTP Taíno News 7/24/2019


Declaración de parte de miembros de los Pueblos Originarios de Borikén y de todo su territorio ancestral

Hoy, por este medio deseamos expresar como miembr@s de los Pueblos Originarios de Borikén, Pueblos Indígenas en toda su manifestación incluyendo la territorial ancestral y en la diáspora, unimos nuestras voces y apoyo al reclamo del Pueblo Borikua y Puertorriqueño para exigir la renuncia del actual gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Roselló Nevares.

Es en éste momento histórico, donde como miembr@s de la comunidad originaria de Borikén y quienes por siglos hemos sido recipientes de la opresión de un sistema impuesto colonial, decimos presente en un acto de solidaridad con tod@s nuestr@s herman@s.

¡Basta ya! La resiliencia y reivindicación de toda nuestra gente es la que ha permitido que hayamos enfrentado los retos más difíciles y que podamos decir de frente y de pie; ¡Aquí estamos y estaremos! La colectividad de abusos; como lo son la destrucción de nuestros modos de vida; el costo de vida inalcanzable y los sueldos que no suben a la par; el tener que habernos despedido de nuestros seres amados por verse obligad@s a cruzar el océano para tratar de protegerse del abandono social y el saqueo económico, mientras tras bastidores se buscaban medios de cómo lograr enriquecer a algunos a costillas del pueblo; los atropellos a nuestr@s niñ@s al cerrar escuelas; los atropellos a la salud de nuestra gente; donde las enfermedades no-contagiosas como cáncer, alta presión, enfermedades respiratorias, niñ@s que nacen con malformaciones sigue en aumento y donde los medios de atención médica siguen mermando; donde se ha abusado y continúa abusando de nuestra Madre Tierra con deforestación, contaminando nuestro aire, agua y tierra, y quien la defiende es criminalizad@, con el gobierno favoreciendo y utilizando la fuerza policiaca para defender las acciones de quienes nos matan poco a poco con sus contaminantes y prácticas.

Somos originari@s de un sistema matrilineal, donde siempre ha existido el respeto y la integridad a la mujer, al igual que a tod@ miembr@ de la comunidad. Somos un pueblo que brinda respeto a sus muert@s. Somos un pueblo donde la integridad y la dignidad preceden nuestras acciones.

Es por ésto y muchísimas razones más que despedimos a Ricky Roselló, determinamos que renuncie a su puesto. Consideramos que es el mejor modo de ponerle un fin a la incertidumbre, indignación que vivimos tod@s ante su empeño de permanecer en un puesto donde no lo queremos. ¡Que renuncie y se vaya de nuestro territorio! Que piense en sus hij@s que no merecen crecer en un ambiente en donde su padre es despreciado; Ell@s no merecen tener que vivir ésto; pero el pueblo tampoco, ni el cuerpo policíaco de Puerto Rico. Sabemos que algunos se hallan entre la espada y la pared, como también que algun@s se prestan para hacer daño a sus propios compatriotas. Sin embargo, reconocemos que no se puede catalogar a tod@s en general. De manera que tanto ell@s como sus familias también han de ser considerad@s.

La Representación Indígena no se va a detener, como tampoco ningún Borikua o Puertorriqueño que ya esté cansado de los atropellos y un futuro incierto. ¡No nos pararán!

¡¡¡ Descolonización ya !!!

Nota del Editor - La Declaración colocada arriba fue compartida por diversos individuos indígenas buscando apoyo; no es una declaración de la Confederación Unida del Pueblo Taíno (CUPT/UCTP, por sus siglas en inglés). La Declaración se ha publicado aquí en las noticias de la CUPT con propósitos informativos y educacionales.


The UCTP Expresses Support the Inter-American Environmental Charter

Washington D.C. (UCTP Taino News) –
In a letter sent to the 49th Session of the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, the United Confederation of Taíno People expressed its support to the Inter-American Environmental Charter, an initiative of the Global Embassy of Activists for Peace. The UCTP letter, presented by UCTP Liaison Officer Tai Pellicier, expressed the Confederation’s understanding of the “dire need for the respect, protection and sustainability of our Mother Earth, our natural resources, environment, human rights, particularly the Rights of Indigenous Peoples” as stated in the United Nations Declaration and American Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. As of March 2019, more than 850 cities across the Americas have issued official their support of the Coalition for the Inter-American Environmental Charter. It is expected that the issue will be brought before the OAS during their June 2019 sessions. 

UCTPTN 05/31/2019


Taíno elder Mildred "Múkara" Torres-Speeg (83) crosses over into Koaibei (the Spirit World)

Clayton, Georgia (UCTP Taíno News) - Taíno elder Mildred "Múkara" Torres-Speeg (83) crossed over into Koaibei (the Spirit World) on Apr 30, 2019. Elder Múkara was courageously fighting cancer for some time, but her family members report that "she went peacefully just before her 84th birthday." A member of the Elders Advisory Council of the Guainía Taíno Tribe, she also served as a Liaison Officer of the United Confederation of Taíno People (UCTP) in the state of Georgia for over 8 years.

Tai Pelli, a Human Rights and International Relations Officer for the UCTP shared "From this elder I received only kind and loving words and great support for my work and journey. Her spirit will forever shine in the aniki (heart/spirit/mind) of many of us and those who loved her."

Elder Múkara was an award-winning, internationally recognized artist whose works were exhibited at the Georgia Council for the Arts, Albany Museum of Art, State Capital Gallery, Atlanta, Andrew College, Jimmy Carter Library, Georgia Southwestern State College, Atlanta Spirit of America-Native American and Wildlife Art Festival, private collections and numerous others. She was also an active member of the NGAG and past president of the Albany Georgia Artists Guild. 

"Bibi (Grandmother) Mukara was an amazing artist as well as a trailblazer in the UN-NGO sector. I will personally miss her counsel as I know many others will. Our People have lost a National Treasure with her passing," stated R. Múkaro Agüeibana Borrero, President of the United Confederation of Taíno People.

Elder Mildred "Múkara" Torres-Speeg is survived by her husband 
Capt. Roger Speeg, USMC Ret. and her daughter, Vivianne Speeg Dupeire of Kennesaw, GA; two nephews, Ssgt. Joseph Gillooly USMC and Dwayne Dupeire II.  

UCTPTN 5/3/2019


UCTP Liaison Officer Fox Tree Presents Program on Stereotypes

UCTP Liaison Officer Claudia Fox Tree (at center in red) with members of
Marblehead's Indigenous Day Committee.
Marblehead, Massachusetts (UCTP Taíno News) - The Indigenous Peoples Day Committee of Marblehead invited UCTP Liaison Officer Claudia Fox Tree to present at a public program held the St. Andrews Church on April 29th. Fox Tree shared an activity about stereotypes, speaking for about an hour and 15 minutes on relevant history and reasons stereotypes are a problem. The program ended with 15 minutes of Q & A.

The event was well attended, and Fox Tree was able to distribute information and speak to people who attended the program to learn about their heritage or who were just interested in the subject. There were many elders in attendance. During the Q & A Fox Tree responded to various interesting topics and questions, including to persons who wanted to “focus on eliminating reservations and integrating indigenous peoples into the larger culture,” others who felt "everyone is an immigrant so why was IPD was needed,” and those who didn't think “one day was enough.”

Fox Tree also joined the group earlier the same day to raise awareness about Indigenous Peoples Day. Next week, Marblehead’s townspeople will vote on whether to change the name of Columbus Day to I
ndigenous Peoples Day.

UCTPTN 04/30/29/2019